Blogger Event at The West Port

So a couple of weeks ago I was invited along to a bloggers event at The West Port in Linlithgow along with a bunch of other Scottish bloggers to try out the new menu after an extensive refurbishment. Treated to a glass of Prosecco upon arrival, our mouths quickly started watering as the staff set down the first lot of seafood platters. The only downside to a bloggers event like this is having to wait until everyone has taken photos before actually eating!


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The food was fantastic, unfortunately I don’t have a photo of my favourite dish, the slow cooked BBQ pulled pork, my mouth is actually watering just at the thought of it.

We bloggers sure are a lucky bunch sometimes and the unlimited wine at The West Port was a major perk!

After a quick look around the hotel we settled down for pudding and all I can say is the sticky toffee pudding is one of the best I’ve tried and believe me I’ve eaten ALOT of puddings in my time!

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Following out visit to The West Port a photo of us all appeared in The Edinburgh Evening News where we were refered to as fashionistas!

evening news photo


Some of the other girls left early and left it to us lushes to indulge in the wine, I think I was the one of the only ones to be hangover free in the morning 😉

love zigzag dress

As I may have mentioned before I’m a bit crap when it comes to taking outfit photos so didn’t get any snaps of my dress but I wore this In Love With Fashion dress.

I had a great evening tasting yummy food and catching up with the other bloggers (Jade, Lynne, Gillian, Kirsty, Terri, Laura, Lynsey, Iona and Kirstie)

The West Port is the ideal place to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon and I for one will be heading back soon for some more of that pulled pork.

L  x

Liking The Look Of….

I kind of need this jumper in my life – it would work equally with well skinnies or over dresses. And it’s animal print. It practically deserves to live in my wardrobe.

Monki £30

Monki £30

I already have a red dress but I like the sleeves on this one and it’s a decent price. I could dress this up or down easily.

JijiKiki £12

JijiKiki £12

Oooooooooh look at the pretty sparkles. I’m a magpie for anything shiny or glittery.

Dolly Dagger £73.25

Dolly Dagger £73.25

I just know that this would get referred to as roadkill if I ever wore it to the pub but I freakin love this

Pretty much sums up how I feel about men at the moment!

FD Avenue £15.99

FD Avenue £15.99

Pretty casual for me but this is sweet, really like it.

So there’s another wishlist. Why oh why can’t I have lots of money?!

Do you like my picks?

L    x

My Top 7 Favourite Movies

Following a discussion with Kirsty of Indigo Buttons the other night regarding her 7 favourite movies, why 7?! Why not 5 or 10 I had to ask, I have decided to list mine. I am fully expecting to be ridiculed for my somewhat camp taste in films but watching movies is a chance to escape reality for a few hours and what better to do that than in a world of song and dance and/or great fashion!


fm clueless


In at 1: Clueless. I can remember going to the cinema to see this and quoting the movie for months afterwards (actually I still quote from it now!) The outfits were a particular favourite of mine and I still love over the knee socks due to this movie.

fm beaches


2. A weepy one, this movie never fails to get me to tear up. My cousin Ashley and I watched it so often on video (yup that’s right, I’m old) that we memorised the words and used to act it out at the bottom of her stairs every week. I always had to be boring Hilary though.

fm calamity jane


3. This was my all time favourite childhood movie and I still watch it a worrying amount of times now – I’m putting it down to my niece loving musicals and her watching them all the time!

fm breakfast at tiffanys


4. Another film that I’ve seen hundreds of times, I’d have to question my friendship with any pals who haven’t seen this/don’t like it

fm the green mile


5. I watched this again a couple of weeks ago and still cried. I can’t explain why I like this so much.

fm pillow talk


6. Oh look another Doris Day movie in my list of favourites. 

fm goodfellas


7. “How funny? Like a clown? Do I amuse you?” Goodfellas is easily my favourite “boy” movie.

Looking at this list, I have to wonder if there’s a gay man trapped deep inside!


Any thoughts/teasing remarks?


L  x

One(sie) Love

Yup it’s that time of the year with the dark nights drawing in and the temperatures rapidly dropping that I reach for the onesie to keep me cosy warm at night. My sister bought me one 2 years ago for Christmas and it’s safe to say I love it. Not the most attractive but ever so comfy. The only downside to wearing a onesie is having to unzip to pee. Oh and looking like an overgrown toddler/tellytubby!

I bought the bestest a pink patterned onesie from TK Maxx as a Christmas gift last year and we have decided to buy each other ones this year.

Here’s a look at the best around the web that I’ve found:

BHS £25

BHS £25

Next £32

Next £32

Matalan £14

Matalan £14

George @ Asda £14

George @ Asda £14

I’m particularly drawn to the Matalan one. I would just like to state that I would NEVER venture out of the house wearing one of these, strictly for lounging/sleeping in.

Are you a fan of the infamous onesie?

Random Things That Annoy Me… Part 1 (of many)

I don’t know if it’s the change in the weather or because I’m so tired from working non stop but I’ve been such a grumpy cow lately and here is a list of the things that have been bugging me:

1. Side zips – I’ve never been a fan of side zips after having to get cut out of a dress years ago when the zip completely stuck. They never close properly even though the dress fits. I purchased this In Love With Fashion dress with the intention of wearing it to a bloggers event but again the zip wont fasten over the seam.

2. Couples who go lingerie shopping and have overly passionate PDAs – OK, we get it, you have sex. I do NOT need to see you snogging each others faces off at the till point while I’m serving you.

3. Not being able to wear tartan – as a Scottish blogger I fear I’d look like a cliché

angry face 1

4. Books I love being turned into movies – I inevitably end up screaming at the screen “that’s not how it happens in the book”

5.  Being crap at putting on nail polish – It dries completely, I’m just sitting there doing NOTHING for it to chip and then all of a sudden, boom! chips galore

6. Winter– Go to work, it’s dark. Leave work, it’s dark.

angry face 2

7.  Being asked what is wrong with me because I’m single – it’s my life, get the fuck over it!

8. Everyone banging on about bloody pumpkin spiced lattes – not everybody likes coffee, make a seasonal beverage for us tea drinkers Starbucks

9. Taxi drivers who take the piss – erm just cos I’m on my phone doesn’t mean I haven’t noticed you trying to take the long route mister

10. Mundane Statuses– Those folk on Facebook who update constantly with every single thought the have. Bugger off already

angry face 3

I have many more pet hates but I’ll get around to posting them later.

Back to looking at pretty dresses that I can’t afford to cheer me up… or not!

L     x

Lash Republic Event

On Friday 5th October I was invited along to The Make Up & Beauty Studio on West Preston Street for the Lash Republic Event. It’s been a while since I’ve attended a blogger event so it was nice seeing Jade, Gillian and Lynne. One of The Make Up & Beauty Studio’s founders, Christine, was on hand to give us the scoop on Australian brand Lash Republic after giving us a tour around the premises.

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The Make Up & Beauty Studio is the exclusive UK stockist of Lash Republic lashes so we were overjoyed to get a sneak peek of the hand-made, human hair lashes. With a choice of 20 styles in the studio we set to finding our favourites. The great thing about Lash Republic lashes is the demonstration applicator – the lashes are attached to a clear plastic wand so you can put it along your lash line to see the effect. Genius!


Being a packaging junkie the outer packaging is a sleek black and gold design, which was a major plus for me – a welcome change from plain white (Eyelure) or gaudy pop art (Katy Perry). The lashes also have great names including Lady Caviar, Manhattan Mistress and Sophisticata with all different effects including demi lashes for those of you who always struggle with those tricky inner corners. From natural to lengthening to dramatic there really is something for everyone.


After choosing our styles, I opted for London Chic, Christine demonstrated just how easy the lashes were to apply especially with a nifty little Lash Republic tool which keeps the shape of the lash and stops it from sticking to your fingers.


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Then it was the turn of us bloggers. I wear eyelashes on a fairly regular basis but get so frustrated when the inner corners pop up. Not so with the Lash Republic lashes, these were amazingly easy to put on, the applicator really makes what used to be a tricky task surprisingly easy. Jade was amazed at how quiet we were when applying our lashes! London Chic have a decent bit of length with some volume but aren’t too much, they looked like my lashes but better. Meeting some friends after the event for a drink my lashes were given the approval, my mum usually says my lashes make me look like “Daisy the coo” not with these bad boys though 😉





The one thing that annoys me about some lashes is how hard they feel on top of the natural lash, like if you fall asleep drunk with them still on (not that I’ve ever done that… ahem) your eyes are sore in the morning. I can safely vouch for how soft these are and even when wearing them throughout the night they didn’t hurt my eyes or shift at all. How much more can you ask for from lashes?!

 After taking numerous photos of the applied lashes we enjoyed a few glasses of fizz and had a good natter, all in all a great night.


Fancy checking out Lash Republic lashes? Well you are in luck, Christine and the Make Up and Beauty Studio are holding events on Saturday 12th October and Sunday 13th October. To get involved and check out these well made lashes please click here for all the info you’ll need.

L    x

September Round Up

How quickly another month has rolled around, can’t believe it’s October already. Before we know it it’ll be Christmas! Not that I’m overly worried about it, I’ve actually started buying gifts already. Get me being all productive, let’s see how long it lasts. Anyhoo, onto photos from September.

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My mum kindly took my niece and I to see Hairspray at the Edinburgh Playhouse. We saw the show 2 years ago but it has to be said it was much better this time around. My niece loves the movie and sings the songs ALL the time, she says when she grows up she wants to play Little Inez on the stage and I quite believe she will.

Jade and I attended the Stockfest closing party which had a 1940s theme. The party took place at The Last Word Saloon in Stockbridge and it was lovely to see many of the guests make an effort with their outfits although there was some folk who just rocked up in their normal colours – poor show.


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Luckily I pulled together a pretty convincing 40s get up from pieces from my own wardrobe.

Dress: Pearl Lowe for Peacocks

Shoes: No idea where these are from!

Bag: Jail Dornoch (not an actual jail but a quirky little shop in Dornoch!)

I even went all out and bought these seamed stockings from Ann Summers.


Not bad for my first attempt at victory rolls. Youtube has an abundance of tutorials showing how to do this hairstyle but I found Lacquer and Lace to be the best.  Since I always wear black liquid eyeliner and Russian Red MAC lipstick all the time anyway, I didn’t have to change my make up.

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How prettiful does Jade look??

We made the error of going into town afterwards – EPIC fail. I felt ridiculous in my outfit with all these teeny boppers in barely there dresses and sky high heels. We promptly gave up and I was home for just after 1am, oh how times have changed!


I’m coveting monochrome accessories right now so this H&M bag is right up my street, available for £19.99 I’m seriously tempted to buy it.


Carla bought me this sweet unicorn tote bag from Primark, have used it loads already.


I’ve been favouring this Rimmel nail polish in Purple Rain lately, it’s actually the same colour as liquorice sambuca!

So that was my month – I’ve been working an obscene amount lately so it was a fairly quiet September for me